Hello Friend!

The first major step I took towards claiming the life I deeply felt was meant for me, a life with more joy, more wellbeing and more purpose, was leaving behind my 7-year career as criminal lawyer at the prosecutors office. I was scared beyond words, because that life also felt really far and I had no idea how to get there. I knew I had to trust, but I also had to pay my bills.

Choosing to take that leap, even though at the time I felt I had not tools to build that life, activated something new within me. Courage, a deep knowing and so much energy for what was to follow.

The next big shift point that forever changed my relationship with myself and life came about 3 years later, when I decided to allow myself to truly feel the parts of my life where I was letting myself down. It’s an experience I don’t really talk about, because it’s very personal. I had found myself in a situation that some would describe as being utterly betrayed, alone and powerless. I was living abroad and felt like I had no options.

The choice that I made that day changed everything, because instead of seeing myself as a victim of my circumstances, I decided to understand where I was actually betraying and abandoning myself… so that I wouldn’t repeat it ever again. My relationship with myself and life forever changed, because I decided to take responsibility for my experience.

I chose to accept that I don’t need to be a victim, that I cannot keep running away from my own truth and that I do have the capacity to create the life I’ve been seeing in my visions and dreams.

You see, I’ve been intuitive and very sensitive ever since I can remember. I’ve always been able to feel emotions and energies of people, I could see their blueprint, I was able to recognise false paradigms. But I hadn’t committed to fully living my truth and embodying my gifts, because I was afraid I’d be rejected and misunderstood. And well, that’s exactly what happened.

Fear has been my companion ever since childhood, when I realised that most of the people around me saw the world differently, they couldn’t feel the subtleties that I could, they weren’t connected to energies and other dimensions as I was. They didn’t truly see me.

But. Actually, I was the one who needed to truly see myself first.

I could tell you about so many times in my life when I was so scared that it froze me – of speaking on stage (because then everybody would see how uncomfortable I was and I would faint from all the fear), of singing (because my voice would crack and my throat contract if I even thought of sharing my voice with people), the anxiety when starting something unknown (because…. I don’t even know why), of travelling by myself (because I’d probably get lost or something really bad would happen), of diving under water or jumping in from higher ground (because of Atlantean memories of drowning)…

Yet I took the steps anyway. Just usually with a major delay and that’s ok.

I’m no different from many sensitives when it comes to fear, anxiety and overwhelm – they’re more often than not part of my experience.

But from the moment I embraced them and decided to listen to their message in full presence, my whole world opened up. I don’t get frozen anymore (at least not for long), quite the opposite. My gifts opened up. My joy expanded.

And I began knowing the feeling of belonging to myself in a way that transcends spirit and includes this physical body and the material world as well.

I wish that experience for everyone!

How my community sees me (and I’m SO grateful!):

Very simply put, Maja is an amazing woman! I love everything about her. She’s my closest Soul sister and supportive friend ever since we’ve met. I’m very grateful for working and traveling together in the past few years. Being so close to her gave me a chance to get to know her in her depths. She’s highly intuitive, responsible, sensitive and devoted to her soul mission with her whole being. She’s a woman of great integrity and pure, compassionate heart. In her high frequency presence I always felt safe to share and open myself all the way, as trusting women was one of my core wounds I needed to heal. I would highly recommend working with her to anyone that feels connection to her and her offerings. I’m truly honoured to have her in my life as my best friend and beloved sister.

Kaja Graj, Intuitive Artist at Kailani Source Light Codes Art

Maja’s connection to the energies & spirit has always felt very true for me. Her ability to hold space & show up for her soul work I find inspiring, as I know what it takes for her to share it with us. And her Light Language activations touch my soul deeply in ways my head does not understand. She is supportive, gentle & kind in her approach, which I appreciate very much.

Katie Brockhurst, Social Media Mentor, Award Winning Author of ‘Social Media for a New Age’

Since the moment I have met Maja, looking into her eyes, listening to her downloads feels like finally coming home. To my tribe. Doing my life mission of inspiring souls to awake is really fulfilling, but to be truly honest I get exhausted too. Maja guides me to where I reconnect with myself and recharge for my next mission. Grateful for ALL, dearest Maja!

Saša Božič, Sophia Academy Founder, Corporate Wellness Coach, Author, Speaker

Maja’s work is unbelievable. There are so many coaches, healers and mentors out there and I worked with dozens of them. Maja has the unique capability to really, really see you for who you truly are. And this is the greatest medicine for this world. I have only experienced this with 1 or 2 other people in my life and working with Maja was really heart-opening and real. Maja translates into words what many of us can only feel. Her spectrum of feeling and understanding is vast.
She is so devoted to her work and her mission and she shines from her deepest core, which makes you want to shine from deep within as well. Authenticity and truth are the words that come to my mind when thinking about Maja. Maja is a person that you immediately trust, she creates a sacred space for you to unveil who you truly are and she gives you the tools to carry this message out into this world. Thank you, Maja, you are so unique and you always make me feel like being home.

Milena Dubs, Transformational Coach, Holistic Healer, Feminine Embodiment Educator

Maja is the real raw honest authentic energy leading this world into this new earth. She talks with you, not at you. She shares all her love and all her light in alignment towards a trajectory of Higher Truth Love and Life.

Todd Medina, Soulogy Network

Maja is such a deeply embodied example of a new-paradigm entrepreneur: completely authentic in her self-expression, fully surrendered to the unprecedented unfolding of her deepest truth at every turn, playing simultaneously on both the energetic and material planes, and fully honoring her humanity and her divinity, herself and the whole, each step of the way.
Her frequency activations, her spot-on articulations about what’s happening in the energetic influxes and shifts, her ego-melting/soul-opening meditations, and the online programs she’s held such incredible space for have helped me melt into higher vibrations, embrace an entirely new way of creating and being of service, and understand how beautiful and beneficial it is to show up in this new way.
If you are interested in being authentically yourself, experiencing the profound joy and abundance of sharing your most natural gifts with the world, and receiving an infinitude of love and nourishing energetic support as you go, I would highly recommend Maja and her work… her offerings, the field she creates, and the example she provides are a magical combination for helping you to discover, create, and share your most authentic self, and your most soul-inspired creations with the world.

Melissa Miller, Sacred Brand