Dear Divine Source of All,
On this day and every other day, may I remember that I am part of your Divine Design and I am always in the right place at the right time for my supreme destiny to unfold through me.
May I remember that I am here, on Earth, to fully inhabit the sacred vessel of my physical body and to radiate your infinite light through every cell of my embodied presence.
I have chosen this journey eons ago and I am encoded for it.
May I remember that every day I can choose to co-create with your infinite presence.
As I walk with you in service and devotion may I give myself permission to experience life with profound curiosity, genuine joy and heart-felt gratitude for the opportunity to play in this realm.
May I remember that I am always connected to you and all that is. When I surrender to this innate knowing, everything I am and do becomes a pure emanation of your infinite light.
May I remember that prosperity is part of my original coding and I am part of prosperity. It is natural to me. I am prosperity!
May I know my worth and the majestic value I bring to the world through my embodied presence and my offerings. May I also remember that I am here to equally abundantly give and abundantly receive what is available to me – in all ways. May I be utterly open to both.
May I remember that you are the infinite Source of all and for all, and I can choose at any time to attune to the frequency of that reality.
I surrender to the original coding of my supreme destiny. I bless all past experiences and decisions that brought me to where I am right now. I release what I think I know into the fire of initiation, so that I can be reborn into my clearest knowing and my highest service.
Please move me to where I need to be. Please show me what I need to see. May what needs to go go and what wants to come come. May I always know without question that I am held by realms seen and unseen. May I deeply trust the timing of my life here on Earth and allow myself to adore my own experience.
I am you. You are me. We are One.